There are 7.6 billion people in the world.

In the U.S. alone, there are 328 million. Of those 328 million, 246 million have not experienced the saving grace of Jesus. 

How many of the 382,000 in Forsyth County or the 43,000 in Davie County don’t have a relationship with Jesus?

These numbers are staggering but what if we focused on the number one? The Gospel is good news and heaven rejoices every time one person comes to know Jesus.

The world has changed, but one person sharing Christ with one person, that is real change. What if we looked at our everyday interactions as divine appointments that could impact eternity?

It all starts with one. This is the heart of the gospel. Disciples making disciples.

We can reach the nations, our communities, our families, our friends, our neighbors by starting with one.

Who’s your one?

Who’s Your One?

We are excited to come alongside you as you seek to be intentional in sharing your faith with your One. Click the button below to tell us about your One so we can pray with you and provide helpful resources along your journey.

Share Your Story

We want to celebrate how God is moving through Who’s Your One and a great way to do that is through stories. Stories of spiritual conversations, stories of life transformation, and stories of people committing their lives to Jesus.

If you’d llike to share your story, we’ve made it simple. Just click the button below and fill out the information.

From Death to Life

When someone puts their faith in Jesus for their salvation, they move from a place of death to an abundant life here and now and for all enternity. We want to celebrate when your ONE takes that step of faith. Click the button below and share the story of how your ONE came to saving faith so we can rejoice with you!

Who’s Your One? Resources

Life On Mission – 3 Circles

This is a simple tool to help you engage in Gospel conversations. This digital app walks you through the 3 circles in a conversational way.

Who’s Your One? Video Archive

These videos will give you practical ways to engage with your ONE.

Who's Your One Wallpaper

Download these Who’s Your One? wallpaper images for your phone or tablet as a helpful reminder as you pray for and engage with your One.

Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional

Every great evangelistic movement is made up of prayerful people. Who’s Your One? is an initiative purposed to encourage everyday people to intentionally share Jesus with at least one person this year. This devotion, offered through the Bible App, provides intentional prayer as we seek to reach our One.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are we doing?

Engaging our church family in the intentional evangelism.

Who should be doing this?

Every Christian in our church family.

Why do we want to do this?

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to go and make disciples and fulfill the Great Commission.

How are we going to do it?

Prayerfully identifying that one person in our life far from God and sharing with them the good news of the Gospel.