Personal Information
Calvary Baptist Church does not collect personal information about website visitors without their consent. In cases when such information is requested to provide a service or respond to an inquiry, visitors only need to provide the minimal information necessary. Typically personal information is collected:
1. To allow us to respond to inquiries and requests
2. To allow access to an informational electronic mailing list or database
Use of Cookies
Calvary Baptist Church’s website makes use of “cookies” in order to identify user sessions and maintain information within sessions. A limited duration (24 hour) cookie that allows us to keep track of user information within the session to identify privileges and preferences of the user; this type of cookie is used, for example, when users register in order to gain access to public use data files and then log in to use or download the data. We do not use cookie information to identify users in any way except as noted above, nor do we use the information given by users and stored in the cookies to link to any other data. Note: If one were to visit the Calvary Baptist Church website with cookies disabled, one would not be able to register and use public use data files on the main site.
Web Bugs
Calvary Baptist Church does not make use of “Web bugs” (programs installed on your personal computer by a website to track personal web usage) in any way, shape, or form.
How Is Personal Information Used?
Personal information is used by Calvary Baptist Church staff only for the purpose stated at the time it is collected, e.g. to reply to a question or inquiry or to provide a requested service. Such personal information is never used for secondary or unrelated purposes unless otherwise requested or explicitly agreed to by the website user. It is the Calvary Baptist Church’s policy never to share, trade, sell or otherwise disclose personal information to third parties without their informed consent or direction except:
1. Where required by law, e.g. through subpoena, warrant or other legal process
2. Calvary Baptist Church occasionally mails information about our events and publications to its online customers and members. Personal information used for this purpose is never shared with any other organizations.
When requested, and where possible, Calvary Baptist Church will delete personal information from current operational systems.
Links to Third-Party Sites
Calvary Baptist Church provides a number of links to third-party sites and assumes no responsibility for the information practices of websites a user is able to access through ours. The Church encourages all web visitors to review the privacy policies and statements of all externally-linked websites. There is no third-party advertising on the Church’s websit