Generous living is a key value of Calvary.
It reflects a life that goes beyond the normal practice of giving tithes and offerings, to one seeking to refresh others through purposeful generosity. It is living and giving in a way that helps the church have the greatest influence in pursuing the flourishing of our community and the world.

Global Missions Offering
Annual Goal $1,000,000
Our Global Missions Offering goes to fund the furthering of the Gospel through our partners at the International Mission Board, the North American Mission Board as well as right here in North Carolina through our local state Baptist convention. This offering is in addition to money from Calvary’s Missions budget that is invested in our local ministry partners.
Online Giving
To give online by debit, credit card, or bank draft, simply setup an account on our secure site. You’ll have the option to give one-time or recurring gifts, automatically and securely. For online giving instructions, click here.
Text Giving
Simply text the dollar amount you would like to give to 336.777.7143 and you will receive a text to confirm your contribution.
Give by Mail
If you’d like to send a check by mail, you can use the following address:
Calvary Baptist Church
Attention: Contributions
134 S. Peace Haven Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Non-cash gifts
Did you know that you can give appreciated stock or other securities, get a charitable deduction for the full appreciated value, and not have to pay capital gains tax? We can also accept property such as real estate and vehicles.
IRA gifts
You can direct your IRA custodian to make a QCD (qualified charitable distribution) from your IRA to Calvary. Giving in this way directly reduces your taxable gross income.
School Matching Gifts
Matching gift programs are charitable giving programs set up by corporations in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. Calvary Day School is an accredited, educational institution with 501 (c)(3) non-profit status. These qualifications make us eligible for matching gifts. A matching gift is like FREE money to the school. Most companies will double your donation, so $200 becomes $400, $500 becomes $1000. Click here to learn more.
Business Office Contact
For questions or additional information, please call 336.714.5418