God saves us to send us.
That’s why we say, “You are sent,” because we are all called to live on mission every day, making disciples in our homes, in our communities, and around the world.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” – Matthew 28:19

Global Missions Offering
Our Global Missions Offering goes to fund the furthering of the Gospel through our partners at the International Mission Board, the North American Mission Board as well as right here in North Carolina through our local state Baptist convention.
While we focus our giving to the Global Missions Offering during the month of December, you are free to give throughout the year.
March 9 – 12, 2025
Western North Carolina
To serve those affected by Hurricane Helene.
Working with ministry partners to help with disaster relief.
March 28 – 30, 2025
Norfolk, VA
Assist with the church plant during Tour Weekend with SBC.
Ministering to local community assisting in light construction, painting, landscaping as well as hosting sports camps and block parties.
June 15 – 21, 2025
Mission Serve-Charlotte
Serving the needs of those in the Charlotte metro area.
Students will experience being the hands and feet of Jesus in Charlotte, NC.
June 15 – 21, 2025
Mission Serve-Charlotte
Serving the needs of those in the Charlotte metro area.
Students will experience being the hands and feet of Jesus in Charlotte, NC.
August 15 – 24, 2025
Nairobi, Kenya
Medical mission trip.
Medical camps and children/adult evangelism ministry with Pastor Joel Kavala.
November 7 – 16 , 2025
South Asia
Teaching leaders in the church planting movement.
Using MasterLife Together material to make disciples comprehensively in small group context.
Mission Trip Application
To sign-up for one of our mission trips, please click the button below. For additional information on these trips, email Michelle Manns.

Long-term Missions Opportunities
At Calvary, our vision is to make Jesus known by multiplying disciples and living on mission. We’re committed to planting 50 churches across North America and internationally, sending out 25 missionaries, and equipping the next generation of church leaders.
We have a couple of ways for you to discover more about long-term missions opportunities.
To explore going long-term as a missionary or church planter, join “NPLGO” — a cohort that happens every fall and spring semester.
To learn more about multiple ways to be on mission with God, take the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class. It’s a 15-week course that Calvary will host on Monday nights starting January 13, 2025.
Local Outreach Ministry
We believe that God has called us to live on mission every day. There are so many people who need to experience the love of Jesus, and many of them are right in your own backyard! Thanks to our local partners, there are many ways you can live out our mission, no matter your season of life. Whether you give time, resources, or even both, choose from a variety of opportunities through which you can use your God-given talents.
For more information on opportunities, email Paula Williams, our Local Outreach Director.

Church Planting
We are a church committed to seeing the gospel be made known. One way we accomplish that is by strategically partnering with church plants that are seeking to bring the transforming power of the gospel to key cities in North America. We believe that the world needs more churches…not less.
We are thankful to partner with these churches and pray that we would be a people who are willing to put their yes on the table and let God put it on the map.
Kingdom City Church
Atlanta, GA
We exist to form disciples over time into greater love of God and neighbor. We believe if we do that well, we will see our vision of the city of Atlanta transformed by distinct people with distinct love in every space we occupy.
Port City Church
Norfolk, VA
We want to see the Gospel saturate the entire city of Norfolk and for every man, woman, and child to have an opportunity to hear the gospel from a follower of Jesus. In order for that to happen, there must be more healthy Gospel-centered churches, who are movement minded, planted in the city of Norfolk, home to nearly 240,000 people.
Harbor City Church
Charleston, SC
Led by Jonathan Lenker, Harbor City Church exists to share and show the gospel to every man, woman, and child in Charleston, and through Charleston to the world.
Coastway Church
Myrtle Beach, SC
Coastway serves Conway and Myrtle Beach, SC under the leadership of Jeremy Woods. Their mission: We exist to enable a movement of disciple-making disciples who seek Jesus and bring renewal.